Boat Station

I am standing at the boat station,
Nightfall has screened the sky,
Navy blue with dim,
Twinkling African stars,
My luggage a suitcase of hopes and dreams,
Heavy on my shoulders,
Heavier still, when on my head it lies,
The boat will carry me,
To where my destiny lies,
But right this very moment,
I am stuck,
Standing on the pier by this river,
The current underneath gently passing,
Adding to my waiting despair,
It is as if the current of time,
Is dragging everything alongside it except me,
I am left out of my own story!
Marooned at the starting line,
Or so it seems,
I don’t know His plan for me,
But I trust, and trust,
In Him who controls my destiny,
I will bear with patience,
And await what was written for me,
I am standing at the boat station,
Despair wringing my honest heart,
Waiting, crying,
In the fitful tears that keep me company,
Accepting, that passing,
Through a station is part of life’s journey,
They are pointing and laughing at me,
Both my friend and my enemy,
But if I were to promise,
I promise thee,
Legends will be told again,
Because a monster will be called out to sea,
I was standing the whole time,
Not perched or lying down,
I was standing.

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